Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Galactic Park Earth

I can share what I know as an intuitive about what Earth actually is which is Galactic Park Earth.

People talk about having a war with aliens but that is ridiculous because they have ALWAYS been here. And if truth be told we are all part alien because we are a hybrid of Humanoids that lived on Mars and Maldek 65 million years ago with Apes of earth to give us effective immunity to actually live here that aliens often do not have. But it also reduced our lifespans from thousands of years (which was achieved also with genetic engineering) like we also were created to survive on earth but to live 100 years or less mostly as slaves to the survivors of Mars and Maldek (Maldek is the asteroid belt out past Mars.

The Russians sent a probe to the Asteroid Belt in the 1970s and found out scientifically that it had been a planet blown up by nuclear weapons. However, the Christian churches and the Muslim churches banned this from being printed in western newspapers and all newspapers of God fearing people worldwide at that time. So, only the Russian and likely Chinese intelligentsia understood that the asteroid belt was once a planet we had all likely come from  that was nuked out of existence 65 million years ago (just before the dinosaurs were conveniently killed so people could live here by an Asteroid hit in the gulf of Mexico.

So, Earth has ALWAYS been Galactic Park Earth likely for 65 or 70 million years or even before that. And we are aliens too (or at least part alien). So, we are sort of like the colonists that colonized America and Australia and New Zealand and Canada too if you look at it that way, only this happened 65 million years ago and I'm thinking we came when weather was nice and left (if we could) during ice ages too.

So, scenarios of Aliens attacking earth governments is completely stupid because they actually created all the governments of earth in the first place. And this is true even if you go back 20,000 years in time.

Earth is a galactically protected park visited by aliens from this galaxy and others. However, they don't want to lose earth's quaintness so we mostly aren't told about most of this stuff so all religions and governments and religions and big businesses don't collapse.

I have researched all this through direct experiences mostly for 71 years now. If you don't believe any of this "Why Should you?" if you haven't experienced what I have.

Each of us must be true to our own experiences otherwise everyone's lives would be ridiculous.

Be True to yourself

Know yourself

Otherwise you are soon dead.

I've done pretty well so far. I've made it to 71 so far and outlived my father by 2 years so far.

Which is surprising because I never expected to see 25 when I was 21. But, that's another story.

I want to leave you with one thought though.

Truth is much stranger than fiction.

If you have lived as long as me you know this is true.

People of the 1950s would just shoot most people today for what they believe. You think I'm kidding?

Having lived 71 years, being adaptable and compassionate and helpful are the things that will help you to a long and useful and happy life.

By God's Grace

Note: However, I think Global Warming is about to thin out most of the human race down to 1 to 4 billion people by the end of this century. This is my thought of what is about to happen. Many might die from coastal cities flooding (worldwide because all oceans are connected) who are afraid to move to higher ground too or who are too poor to move.

So, knowing when to migrate to higher ground will save many younger people under 30 to 40 years of age worldwide. And knowing when to leave places that have various other potentially fatal weather issues might be important too, so at least some people native to every area might survive (even if at another location or locations on earth).

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