Wednesday, July 17, 2019

If you have a cell phone or smartphone you have no privacy

This is just a fact of life these days. The cameras on your phone take pictures and videos of you, your wife and children, the listen to you snore or record your latest business ideas. They watch and listen to you have sex with yourself or whoever. There is no privacy if you have a cell phone or smartphone anymore. This is a given. So, all these videos and pictures and information can be sold and often is to the highest bidder and often someone or a group that might want to do you harm because they are of a different political or business persuasion than you are. This is the world we all now live in.

This is one of many reasons why I refuse to do any business or financial transactions on my phone including plane tickets to anywhere. I refuse to check any information regarding any bank accounts ever on my phone either. This is sort of a pain not to be able to do this but the alternative is worse. I also choose (if I'm given the choice) to never never never file any tax forms online because it is just an invitation to crooks to steal your money from your tax returns before you can get it.

This is the awful part of the world that we live in with no privacy and people stealing from everyone online.

But, if you understand all this is happening and are not out on Facebook ever, maybe you will survive the rest of this century and not be killed or bankrupted by all of this. And while you're at it maybe teach your kids all this is going on too so they might have a chance of surviving this century too.

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