Friday, July 19, 2019

Lacto ovo vegetarian?

I wasn't feeling well this last week and thought I might try something. I realized I could go back to the diet I was raised on from birth until I was 32 which was a lacto ovo vegetarian. In 1980 I decided because I was more of a survivalist then, (not the guns but burying non-perishable food in 50 gallon drums in the ground because I believed then the nation was going bankrupt from the Viet Nam War. However, I was wrong because Europe and other nations loaned the U.S. enough money so we didn't go bankrupt even though the savings and loan debacle caused many people to commit suicide when their lifetime savings were lost. So, during this time I realized I might need to eat meat like Deer I hunted and other things so I trained myself to eat a little meat like Turkey and Chicken like that and sometimes Sushi.

But, last week I realized I had to give any meat or fish up because I wasn't feeling well from eating anything like that any more and wanted to go back to being a full time lacto ovo vegetarian like when I was born to age 32 years of age once again.

After one week of that I feel 100% better and I notice much more color in my cheeks and better feeling in my feet and I'm much more alert and this took only one week of giving up all meat and fish (which was always less than 5% to 10% of my diet anyway. But, it's amazing how much more alert and how much better I feel.

I'm thinking my body doesn't have to deal with meat putrifying in my guts anymore so I'm a lot less toxic from all that so I'm just feeling much much better like I just added 20 more years to my life already!

For example, Bill Clinton would already be dead if he hadn't gone Vegan. That's not what I just did. I still eat organic milk products and free range eggs. But other than that it is the same as being vegan.

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