Thursday, July 18, 2019

"People of Earth" as well as "Men in Black" series of movies helps a person to better understand the whole UFO thing

"People of earth" is a Television series that is available at Amazon Prime and because it is a comedy and there are two seasons of this program. This is one of the better things to watch to better understand what people are experiencing in general worldwide regarding UFOs. Another series of movies you could watch that is actually helpful and also a comedy is "Men in Black". By laughing at People of Earth and Men in Black Movies you actually help yourself better to understand what is actually going on here on earth. But remember this is anthropomorphizing what is happening to an extreme degree because you cannot make other cultures be exactly like people would be here on earth and have it make complete sense. But, it is a start.

I liken it a lot to a couple of things. Imagine that most people had never seen an airplane take off (which is possible still if you lived remotely without any electronic media or hadn't ever been to an airport. This is about what it's like not to believe in UFOs.

For most people it is just about not wanting to be teased because of government enforcement especially in the U.S. of destroying people's careers if they talk much about actual UFO experiences. So, most people often choose not to talk about what actually happens to them.

However, what is less understood is that all people who write or read any language on earth have had their memories altered by UFOs. Why?

Because this is how things are done. IF you cannot read or write you are not seen as a potential threat by other cultures in the galaxy. But, as soon as you can read or write you are a potential short or long term threat because by reading or writing any language there is then no limit to where you can go from there. You could learn to read or write or speak any other language, you could become an engineer and design something technological. You could become a psychologist and make breakthroughs of one kind or another. So, the reading and writing of languages becomes the point where from a galactic point of view you go from an animal to a cultured being and a potential threat to other races in various ways.

Once you master reading and writing of any language you are monitored constantly from then on here on earth.

So, all people who can read or write any language have missing time and missing memories. This is a given here on earth.

How do I know this?

If you are an intuitive like me you can sense what people's motivations are and what they are thinking and feeling even aliens pretending to be human. So, even if you have missing memories you can still see what's going on beyond the missing memories.

It's not that most UFOs are a threat to human beings directly, it's more like now they are going to thin us out like Park Rangers would thin out the deer in Yosemite or Yellowstone when there are too many one way or another. So, global warming and climate change is their method of thinning the human race out because we are destroying the present ecosystem of earth and bringing on an ice age through global warming.

So, for them, we are like deer who had too many babies so some need to be eliminated any way possible in order to preserve Galactic Park Earth for all in the Galaxy to enjoy.

Besides, Ice ages come and go from earth and likely some humans will survive the ice age when it arrives likely within 1000 to 10,000 years from now.

Even when an ice age comes it won't be everywhere. It would be from about the Sierras to the Appalachian mountains here in the U.S. where it would be ice 10 feet deep or more year around. But, the oceans often stay warm in an ice age which is why water dinosaurs survived when earth dinosaurs (the larger ones didn't). This is why bigger ocean dinosaurs survived like whales and Sharks and Sea Elephants and Seals. In fact, scientists say that Sea Lions might have once been wolves and Sea Elephants might have been something larger that went back to the ocean in order to find food, stay warm and survive long ago when the larger dinosaurs died. But, the ice might be pretty solid from about Washington State north all the way to the north pole. I'm not certain about this because we haven't seen this in modern history but this is what all the evidence points to.

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