Thursday, July 18, 2019

too much wealth is now concentrated into the hands of too few people

This is the scenario that brought about the Great Depression in October 1929. The first problem is when wealth is this concentrated worldwide it takes away the desire for the lower 90% to maintain the wealth of the 10% which tends to cause another collapse like in October 1929.

This is why it is very likely Trump in office will collapse the economic order completely while he is in office just like Herbert Hoover did. Both of them being businessmen they tend to think in a specific way. However, a government is NOT a business but something else entirely. So, by thinking like a business man which is to be a "Financial Dictator" is to begin to create another Great depression.

However, the next one would tend to cover the whole world simply because of how interdependent all nations are economically with each other, especially since World War II.

So, it is very likely Trump and others will create sooner or later like Herbert Hoover did, a 2nd Great Depression which could starve a majority of people on earth and cause wars like the last Great Depression did too.

IF you just see the writing on the wall you can see this is where all this leads so far.

I cannot say exactly where or when this happens but if you look at this in any detail you can see it is fairly predictable if things keep going in the direction they presently are.

And the 70 Trillion dollars in Debt the U.S. has isn't helping either. Imagine owing 70 Trillion dollars and then going into a Great Depression where it simply can never be paid back and the U.S. defaults on it's debts permanently and what that would do to the world?

So, I guess what I'm saying here is that without some wealth redistribution another Great Depression is inevitable.

What brought us out of the last Great Depression?

Two things.

Unionization of industries which made the average person a part of the middle Class and World War II which mobilized countries to build weapons. But also out of that it created permanently the world defense industrial complex whose finances are built upon having wars where people die so their weapons of war can be used and more built and made. So, part of the solution to the Great Depression is one of the causes of continuing wars since World War II here on earth also.

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