Monday, October 7, 2019

Childhood trauma can have good or bad effects on one's life but usually it is both at the same time

Understanding this is everything because in a sense it is true that whatever doesn't kill you helps you stay alive longer.

Often when you see "Golden Boys" and "Golden Girls" who haven't had to deal with nearly dying several times as young people, you look at them and think: "I wonder if the first real problem they encounter in life is going to kill them?" At least this is what I often think about people who haven't had near death experiences yet.

Until you have been tested like this often you have no idea what will happen to you when something serious goes on in your life.

So, for me, by the time I was 15 I had almost died several times so I was used to "almost dying" and it set my personality this "almost dying" a lot. My reaction was sort of: "Eat, Drink and be merry for tomorrow I might die for real."

So, in this sense I was different than most people. I wasn't afraid of physically living or of relationships simply because I knew how fragile human life actually is for anyone. Most people tend to be really fake to me simply because they really haven't experienced how near death really is to all of us. I found I had more in common with people in India because of this when I went there in 1985 and 1986 because they knew they could literally die from anything in any moment then just like me.

So, I felt very close with people without health insurance or any sense of security except through their God or Gods and religions.

And often when I see people who encounter their first real near death experience, they die because they have no real experience of what to do so they just panic and then they are dead.

I think people need to realize that "If you panic you are dead!" is the most important thing in life to remember. No matter what happens you have to find a way to stay calm enough to survive it or you won't.

By God's Grace

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