Sunday, December 29, 2019

It's important to know when applied compassion is useful and when it isn't

I suppose compassion could be thought of as an idealistic principle that all of us are trying to find ways to usefully apply to our lives so are lives become better and hopefully others lives become better too.

So, how do you know when applied compassion might be useful?

Mostly, one learns about this through experience. But, the other side of this in regard to compassion is also the entrepreneurs motto of: "Nothing ventured Nothing gained" for others or yourself.

So, in some ways learning to be compassionate is a science experiment in that you have to try various kinds of ways to be compassionate in different situations to see if any of them actually work for you or for others.

Life is a constant experiment after all. And since we all are made in God's image (in our spirits) living up to God's expectations of us and for us is a lot to live with every day of our lives here on earth and beyond.

So, compassion is a constant engineering and science experiment we are making upon ourselves and others every single day in trying to make things better for ourselves and for all other beings in the universe.

By God's Grace

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