Tuesday, December 31, 2019

It's supposed to rain every day from New Years Eve until I fly home

The weather reports didn't change that much until I woke up this morning but suddenly now it's supposed to rain (a lot or a little) every day until I had back to California which is interesting. My son and I walked around a nearby lake but because it's winter the trails were sometimes muddy and trails we might walk on during the summer (some of them) were not passable. So, we explored new trails near the lake. However, I had worn Crocs with socks (my daughter tells me this is a fashion no no) but from my point of view I'm just more practical than anything else at this point in my life. For example, if I wear crocs they massage my feet and keep blood circulating there which is important at 71 because this allows me to have enough control with my feet and ankles to be able to still ski at age 71 when I want to. So, fashion isn't that important to me the way it was in my teens and 20s and I was dating a lot from ages 15 to 25 when I found my first wife and had a son with her. So, at this point practicality is everything because it is now life or death often at every point in life as to whether you live and survive and are happy enough to go on even one more day in life.

So, fashion from my point of view is for young people who are still dating like I was between ages 15 and 25 before I got married for the first time.

Happy New Year! Everyone! It becomes 2020 tonight! That's pretty amazing in itself. I never expected to still be alive in 2020 but because of this maybe I'll still be alive in 2050 too.

Note: The point about the crocs was that I walked through water and mud and had to rinse out my socks in the bathroom sink when I returned to where I'm staying. But, walking around a beautiful lake with Canadian Geese is alway fun too even when it's in the low 40s or high 30s outside.

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