Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Road around Lake Siskiyou open to pay campground

Yesterday my friend and I tried to drive up to Castle Lake but found the Gate was closed up a few miles. So, we decided to drive along Lake Siskiyou back to where we used to sweat with Crow first and then Charlie Thom in the 1980s and 1990s. The road was plowed about to where the last pay campground is and then not plowed but enough 4 wheelers had gone through this section so all I had to do was to put my Tundra in 4wheel drive and drive a few more miles in the 2 foot deep or deeper snow there. I also drove up to Bunny Flat at about 6900 feet on Mt. Shasta as well earlier in the day where people were hiking and skiing in the snow there.

Right now at about 8 am Tuesday morning January 21st it is trying to snow outside but is mostly still raining at this point and melting off snow from roofs and roads around Mt. Shasta City.

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