Saturday, January 25, 2020

The CDC and others are comparing this to the SARS virus:

However, I don't remember the SARS virus being this virulent in how fast it is spreading. One night 6 people have died and the next night it's dozens. IF you do the math thousands or millions could be dead by the end of the month using this fast trajectory. Can nations stop this virus? Possibly. But, I'm not sure they can move fast enough given how hard and fast it is hitting right now in China. So, once it gets it's toe hold it's possible anywhere it gets to it might be too late if it is a pandemic like it appears to be.

Another problem regarding this virus. Many people dying of the Wuhan Coronavirus don't and didn't have fevers at all. So, the temperature guns they are using at airports to screen with aren't going to stop this thing at all. And right now that is the only screening available at airports worldwide.

Another question might be: "Who weaponized this virus? Or is it a naturally occurring one from captive animals not cared for enough in cages in Wuhan during the winter time?

It's hard to say at this point. It's possible all most people can do is to not go into public very much worldwide until this whole thing passes and becomes an almost forgotten memory. But, then again one might want to study the Spanish Flu Outbreak at the end of World war I to understand better what pandemics can actually do. More American Soldiers died of the Spanish Flu than  did in World War I.

The Spanish Flu killed up to 50 million people worldwide!

50 million
The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, the deadliest in history, infected an estimated 500 million people worldwide—about one-third of the planet's population—and killed an estimated 20 million to 50 million victims, including some 675,000 Americans.Oct 12, 2010

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