Thursday, January 16, 2020

Vajrasattva and Nyema of Tibetan Buddhism

This is one of the concepts that I really love about Tibetan Buddhism. If you understand who Varasattva and Nyema are they are sort of like a God and Goddess couple who watch over the entire physical universe of universes. They are waiting to go into the Formless Realms until all beings in the entire physical universe become enlightened and end their suffering.

However, the concept of what a God is is not what they are exactly because being a God in Buddhism is not necessarily a good thing because they talk about a God or Goddess being like say an English Lord or Lady that uses up all their good karma and then falls into hell. So, what a God is is a very temporary thing so in Buddhism being a Buddha is desirable as a soul but not being a God because a God can use up all their good karma and fall into hell if they don't keep generating good karma through good actions.

But, Vajrasattva and Nyema ( A Buddhist deity Couple) I see a lot in the Christian sense of being like Mother father God representation of the entire physical universe of universes.

When people in Christianity talk about God I often wonder what level of God are they talking about. The God of their city or Country? The God of the Earth? The God of the Solar System? The God of our Galaxy? The God of all Galaxies? The God of the Formless Realms? The God of matter Realms?
The God of all dimensions? etc. etc. etc.

So, for me, conceptually it is very useful to have Vajrasattva and Nyema at the highest level of the physical universe waiting for all of us to become enlightened in the physical universe.

I find this extremely comforting.

By God's Grace

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