Friday, April 3, 2020

At least 1 out of 7 of coronavirus deaths in the U.S. were today: 1,324 so far

As of right now on the TV which was 1,324  people have died today in the U.S. of a total of 7,357 so far. This is at 4:28 pm PDT in California on Friday April 3rd 2020.

If you read the projections from University of Washington the peak of deaths for the U.S. likely will be next week or the week after with over 2200 deaths in one day. After that they should start backing off (at least in New York City) and then begin somewhat to subside after that in areas surrounding New York City. The problem is the peak is going to be a different day for each and every city and state in the Union. This will be true around the world too. So, the next two weeks or so New York City peaks and some cities on earth probably won't peak until next year sometime or even later the way this is presently going.

So, they still are expecting a minimum of 70,000 to 80,000 people dying of coronavirus by August. It would take 40 days or a month and 10 days for 80,000 people to die of coronavirus by the way. This is to give you the gravity now of what we face as a nation. And the states that haven't shut down yet might make it 100,000 or 150,000 or more within the next 40 or 50 days too nationwide.

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