Monday, April 13, 2020

Dr. Sangay Gupta: "If we were not sheltering in place the death toll would double every two days"

Which is how we could have lost up to 2 million people in this pandemic just in the U.S. if we hadn't.

Here's the way it would go: 2000 dead (two days later) 4000 dead(two days later)8000 dead that day(two days later)16,000 dead(two days later)32,000 dead that day(two days later)64,000 dead(two days later)128,000 dead(two days later)256,000 dead that day(two days later)512,000 that day(two days later)1,024,000. But, once we reached about 2 million people dead then likely the death toll per day likely would start to reduce and then everyone would either be immune or dead at that point.

This is what would have actually happened if we had not sheltered in place in the U.S. or in other countries.

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