Saturday, April 18, 2020

Writing 2

The point I was trying to make is if your project in writing is very long you have to be sort of committed to it (or at least really really interested in it) for you to actually finish the first draft.

The problem with this is it is only 1/5 of the work or less when you just write something over 5000 words to 10,000 words or more. 4/5 of the work or more is editing, context, spelling etc. and this is my really big problem because I'm okay changing context, spelling and things like this but editing is for me an impossible task to do this without ruining what I have written in the first place.

So, hopefully you have a much different and better experience with editing than I have had.

The problem is I'm too attached to what I write and often I feel like I'm ruining what I write when I edit it. So, at that point I stop. But, maybe you know someone you trust to edit your stuff (and that's hard to find too).

So, this is why what I write looks like it does (which is something I'm happy with sort of like a child of mine being born but also realizing that none of us are perfect) but this is also a beautiful thing as well sort of like looking at wild Lions or Tigers in a Safari you are on in Africa or something.

So, I'm someone who enjoys the rawness of writing and where it takes us which is a type of rebirth for yourself and everyone else along the way if you do it right.

By God's Grace

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