Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Say that their flights are now 23% filled compared with 17% filled a week ago.

However, for me, I won't be traveling on a jet until I have had a good vaccine that has been proved safe which means I'm probably not flying on a plane, riding a bus, taking a cruise anytime this year.

However, I can drive anywhere I want to (if I bring sandwiches). The biggest problem is a bathroom you feel safe in I think along the way. So, people will be bringing bottles of different shapes to use as urinals I think a lot and making sandwiches before they travel anywhere and wearing rubber gloves when they get gas at the pump more.

In fact, one of the more interesting things I heard is that normally you have to have someone operate a pump in Oregon that gets paid for it. Coronavirus ended all that either temporarily or permanently. So, bring your rubber gloves to use at the pumps folks because you don't know who handled them last or today at any time.

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