Sunday, May 3, 2020

Deaths per 100,000 people in select countries:

just so you understand what is being studied here it is that Sweden didn't shut down except for universities.

Deaths per 100,000 people in select countries:

Sweden 26
Denmark 8
Norway.  4
Finland.  4
Italy 47
Spain 53

Information from CNN with Fahreed Zacharia on GPS today Sunday May 3rd 2020

The Curious case of Covid-19 in Sweden

Sweden has most of it's deaths in retirement homes more than anything else. I'm thinking that many of their cases started in places like Swiss and Austrian Ski slopes and Italian Ski Slopes because of those ski lifts proximities to Switzerland and Italy. Both Switzerland and Austria share borders with Italy by the way. Since nordic countries are very into winter sports this makes the most sense to me how Sweden first got infected.

If you get a chance to watch this it is very interesting to listen to the Swedish State Epidemiologist who is being interviewed on his CNN program today.

His Statement about the U.S. "If you have a relaxed approach  in the beginning it can wreak havoc in your response to the pandemic."

He also said this pandemic has surprised him and everyone else on earth in many manifold ways worldwide and is continuing to do this ongoing now.

Just so you know deaths in New York State are around 124 per 100,000 and
deaths in California are 5 per 100,000.

So, California is around the death toll per 100,000 as Norway and Finland which is at 4 per 100,000.

This was achieved in California and Norway and Finland by early shutdowns.

However, in the long run it is hard to say what is going to happen in all these places in the long term result.

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