Saturday, May 9, 2020

How many time lines does earth presently have?

There are at least 3 but by the end of the next century or two there will be 5. Why?

It's because Earth's civilizations are sort of at the Teenage Stage where teenagers do all sorts of crazy things like commit suicide (Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the hydrogen bomb etc) and now the Coronavirus (my wife told me today there are at least 128 different coronavirus' presently catalogued here on earth already by the way).

So, the best answer is that we presently have 3 and there will be 5 and then hundreds of what is called "Time Shards" that will suddenly end because they aren't sanctioned by the Galactic Government or the Present Time Lord of Earth who operates earth like a Satellite government of the Galactic Government usually secret from mankind.

Could this virus have been planted by the Galaxy. Yes. But, it is more likely that someone possibly on earth got it from somewhere else and dropped it off here. But, that doesn't mean the Galactic Government did it because there are all sorts of actors in the galaxy that don't like earth for one reason or another.

But, the fact that it was allowed to happen is about thinning out the human race so other species besides humans (both plants and animals) can survive here on Galactic Park Earth.

Could there be an ice age?

I expect an ice age within 5000 to 10,000 years but of course there's always a chance it could happen anytime. Look what the polar vortex is doing snowing on the East Coast this weekend for example. What's up with that?

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