Friday, May 8, 2020

My present Theory is that the Coronavirus wasn't genetically designed here on earth


Because it is specifically targeting Meat eaters with Hypertension (High Blood Pressure). This wouldn't be something the average government on earth would want unless the government were all vegetarians, and there is no such government I know of on earth.

So, this would have to be genetically designed therefore off planet by beings who don't want people to eat meat here on earth which would allow more animal species to better survive here ongoing for thousands to millions of years. And also it would eliminate meat eaters from the planet over time only leaving various kinds of vegetarians here who are humans.

If you eliminate human meat eaters on earth you change drastically the dynamics of what animals live or die on earth.

This makes the most sense when you see earth as a Galactic Park where Galactic Rangers of this park want the most species to survive because Earth is sort of like Yosemite National Park or Yellowstone National Park in a Galactic Sense.

So, my present theory is this coronavirus was specifically designed to target meat eaters with hypertension (High Blood pressure) and to eliminate them over time from the planet.

Another side to all this is all the meat packing plants shutting down here in the U.S. For example, has anyone checked to see if the animals being slaughtered also have coronavirus?

Pigs especially are very similar to humans in their genetic makeup and they should be being checked for being carriers of coronavirus even if they don't get it.


Because Tigers were getting coronavirus in the Zoo in New York city. Therefore mammals of all kinds could be either just carriers or actually getting the coronavirus all over the place. So, what I'm saying is the meat processors could be getting coronavirus not from other workers but the animals themselves.

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