I was going to share something I wrote years ago but I was told to share my experiences right now instead.
I listen to the angels all the time so I wind up in the right place at the right time as much as possible like Jesus and Buddha also did. They were both always practicing being in the right time and space while alive because that is why their teachings are still here 2000 and 2500 years later.
Saint Germain was in addition to Jesus who my parents were close to while I was growing up.
If you want to know Saint Germain in the way I came to know him as a little child read: "UNVEILED Mysteries" by Godfre Ray King (Guy W. Ballard) and also "The Magic Presence".
Both of these books were read to me by the time I was 5 years old. I liked at 5 better "The Magic Presence because teenagers are in that one riding horses around near Teton National park which I found interesting at age 5. I was about 2 or 3 years old when they first read "Unveiled Mysteries" and then later I re-read these books when I spent my senior year in Santa Fe, New Mexico when the "I AM" School was there from Fall 1965 to May 1966 when I graduated High school there.
Saint Germain and Jesus started talking to me about the same time when I was about 8 or 9 years old. There were big pictures of them both three to four feet high in the church my parents were in charge of so when I got bored having to be there because both my parents were lay ministers (lay minister just means that they were ministers on the side and my father worked as an electrician or electrical contractor too while he was in charge of this church from 1954 until 1960 when my mother's father died and she needed a break from running a church then.
So, Saint Germain and Jesus were always having long conversations with me from ages 8 or 9 years old. I could always ask them questions about anything and they would tell me what I needed to know from a very deep level of understanding.
A childhood conversation might go like this: Jesus, why is this person being bad to me? and Jesus would answer: "They have had a really hard life and don't know any better. You should stay away from them because they are lost."
This could be about an adult or a child but their answers were very adult and useful to me all the time.
I wasn't always sure what they meant by "lost". As a child I equated "Lost" with confused. As I grew up I now associate "Lost" with PTSD and trauma that a person can't seem to find a way to deal with.
But, then I was a child and thought in much more simple and direct ways than now. Now life can get extremely complicated but they have been training me all my life now so I pretty much usually know what to do. But, I still ask for help all the time except my questions are different now.
Saint Germain came to me as Arcane and has shared many things with me of a revelatory nature. What I have written I see as my creation story or Bible that Jesus and Saint Germain wanted me to write to better define my relationships with the entire universe.
I started thinking in a way that would be useful for writing this starting in the 1970s when I studied Comparative religions and started reading tribal Creation stories from around the world.
I realized that I needed to write my own creation story and my own Bible to help future mankind starting in 1980 when the first few pages of Arcane's life here on earth needed to be written about.
The first pages came to me on a beautiful clear summer day in mt. Shasta when I lived at the corner of Old Stage Road and Lassen Lane then in a tall old house facing the mountain that I think might be still there now with my family then in 1980 in the summer. We had two milk goats from the Zen Buddhist Monastery then, a Nubian and an Alpine. Nubian milk is very creamy and Alpine less creamy but has it's own thing going for it so we made goat cheese out of both their milks and strained it through cheese cloth and sold it or gave it away or ate it ourselves while we had the goats there. In 1980 I had a 5 year old son and two step kids that were 6 and 8 years old then.
Saint Germain was always with me through all of this and even was instrumental in me getting into Tibetan Buddhism in his training of me. I found out that not only had he been Saint Francis of Asisi when I knew him there in Italy and became one of his monks but was also Mila Repa of Tibet and Padmasambhava who I realized because he had pink skin like a European was also Merlin the magician later in his life in England. I presently believe now that Merlin as a young man became a developed Mahasiddha in India and Tibet and brought Buddhism to Tibet through right mindfulness and melded it with the Bon PO religion and then as an older man returned to England and trained and Put King Arthur on the throne with Queen Guinevere and helped start the knights of the round table there in England.
I have been to Glastonbury, England once in 1999 when my oldest daughter was 10 with my mother when she was still alive and then we went again in 2011 when she was I think 20 or 21 with her boyfriend and my younger daughter who was about 13 or 14 then to where Guinevere and Arthur are buried at Glastonbury Abbey which is like a park next to a big parking lot in the middle of the town. I had been to Glastonbury Tor in 1999 which is the ancient Isle of Avalon in Merlin and Arthur legends. The lake is now farm land around it because it was much wetter in Arthur and Merlin's time in England. You can feel what I feel which is the Saint Germain consciousness and Francis Bacon clear headed ness and scientific ness especially in Glastonbury where the energy is amazing in it's own special way. So, I would recommend going to Glastonbury and to Mt. Shasta if you can while you are still alive to feel how amazing both places are spiritually speaking in really powerful ways if that's possible for you.
By God's Grace
To the best of my ability I write about my experience of the Universe Past, Present and Future
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