Saturday, June 27, 2020

How does it help to develop your instincts and intuition?

It keeps you from dying or being maimed (if you listen to your instincts and intuitions). But, if you don't listen then you are often maimed or dead before your time.

It doesn't help to have these abilities unless we slow ourselves down enough to actually use them on a regular basis.

How do we do this?

The easiest way to slow down is to move to the country or the wilderness or to spend time there when we can. One way to develop rather quickly would be a vision quest of no water or food for 4 days and nights or 96 hours.

If you are a strong person physically and mentally I can think of nothing that would help you more than doing this especially during the time of coronavirus. It would completely change the way you see everything in your life if you are praying 24 hours a day for 4 days and nights. This doesn't mean you don't go to sleep at all it just means you are praying day and night without a cell phone or media of any kind in operation. You might want a GPS location device to get to where you want to go or if you get lost in the wilderness but other than that you likely don't want any media at all. The point of this is to develop your instincts and intuitions so you can survive anything that comes in your life better worldwide.

But, you have to be likely under 40 or 50 years old in good health to do this. And also expect to be quite altered from your normal reality for a few weeks after this. You might sort of be like Tom Hanks in Cast Away where you are very different coming back into the world after this 4 days on sort of like another planet of awareness. However, you will be more human than you ever were before because likely until this time you didn't fully know what a human being actually was before.

By God's Grace

Note: you might want to take a cell phone along for when you are back in range of a cell phone. Because the best places to do a vision quest there is no cell service at all in the best wilderness places in the U.S. for doing a vision quest.

However, I would limit the distance you want to travel after your vision quest to under 4 miles simply because you haven't eaten or drunk water or anything else in 4 days time. It takes a few days once you start eating and drinking water again to regain your physical strength and mental balance and emotional balance so be careful.

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