Sunday, June 28, 2020

One moment one day at a time

Unless you live thinking like this this coronavirus could drive many people mad and lose their minds.

It's useful in survival situations (and the whole world is right now in one) to ONLY see one moment and one day at a time. Why?

Because we don't fully know the kinds of problems we are going to face exactly 1 week or month or year from now. So, to worry about the future too far ahead only brings madness.

In survival situations you have to be right here right now always or you are not going to survive it.

People who think the coronavirus is over are endangering their own lives as well as everyone else's and just making all this worse for everyone.

If you haven't been trained to think like a survivor now is a good time to learn if you want to be one of the one's who actually comes out the other end of this in one piece.

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