Sunday, June 28, 2020

It is likely we are only 10% or less into coronavirus time wise

It is likely given all factors that countries like the U.S. and Brazil are endangering the whole world because certain states even inside the U.S. aren't taking all this seriously. It's true most people don't have a college education and so might not realize just how serious this all is long term.

And we have a president in the U.S. and one in Brazil that live in such denial of coronavirus actually being a real thing that this also endangers the whole world health and economies of the world.

If someone designed a way to kill off millions or even billions of people this century we are presently witnessing a way to do that in real time the way all this is progressing in places like Brazil and the U.S. right now.

What is sad is the distrust in science is so severe in the U.S. right now by up to 30% of the people that it could cost the U.S. our economy along with millions and millions of lives lost.

I thought that we wouldn't see starvation right here in the U.S. but I'm less sure of that now witnessing what I'm presently seeing in the south and places like Florida and Arizona and Texas. If the fall is as bad as people say it will be food supply chains all over the U.S. and northern Hemisphere might shut down and where will the people be then with no food in stores to buy at all?

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