Friday, June 26, 2020

Is the freedom to demonstrate for "Black Lives Matter" and the freedom to go to Trump's rallies also the Freedom to die for your beliefs?

Likely the answer is "Yes!"

However, I think people going to rallies and people demonstrating for "Black Lives Matter" might be willing to die for what they believe and the people going to Trump rallies also are willing to die for what they believe. SO, PEOPLE CHOOSING TO DIE FOR WHAT THEY BELIEVE WHATEVER IT IS SHOULD ALSO BE RESPECTED! (even if they eventually die or all members of their family die from coronavirus because they demonstrated or went to a Trump rally.)

So, depending upon your point of view as a citizen of the U.S. or the world, people who are doing either are either exercising their Freedom of Speech and willing to risk their lives in the process.

Is this really any different than joining the army and going to Afghanistan or Iraq and dying?

Probably not for demonstrators or Trump Rally goers.

For example, research was done on Trump rallies and it was realized that about 1 person in every 1000 that visits Trump's rallies will die directly from Coronavirus from doing this. AND IT IS LIKELY THE SAME FOR THE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION THAT 1 OUT OF 1000 AT THE CONVENTION (OR MORE) WILL DIE FROM GOING TO THE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION OF CORONAVIRUS.

However, this is my question: "How many people are they going to infect before they die and how many thousands might die down the line from this one exposure?"

The LAST question somehow seems more important than the first.

So, my statement would be: "It's great you want to die for your beliefs whatever they are. But that doesn't also give you the right to kill other people by infecting them in the process!"

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