Wednesday, July 15, 2020

it's taken me at least 50 years to integrate experiences like Soul Traveling into the sun and being sent to meet the leader of the Galaxy in the galactic core

Imagine you are 22 years old and you are no longer a part of the mystical Christian Church you were born into. You have broken up with the girl you planned to marry and you don't really see the point of living on earth anymore after all this. Then you are given the ability to soul travel specifically so you don't take your own life through all of this by an Archangel (which actually worked by the way) and you go on living and serving God and the Angels  from then on so your life becomes much more of a heaven realm than most people ever experience as humans on earth.

People take alcohol and drugs to experience what I have always experienced naturally around angels without alcohol or drugs. You just have to run your energy so a baby wouldn't cry when you walk into a room to entertain angels 24 hours a day. The energy you run is very specific if you want them to be around you and it is a contemplative way of being that you must maintain to have them stay around you. But, it is the ONLY way I know of to maintain peace 24 hours a day in your life ongoing.

Meeting the leader of the Galaxy was unusual for me as a human of earth to say the least. Then, he told me that I was his grandfather which at the time made no sense to me at all even though it does now.

Integrating experiences way beyond the capacity of any human on earth to actually usefully deal with takes a long time to integrate these experiences as a part of your normal life. But, like I said I have now had about 50 years to do this and so I have finally succeeded in having all aspects of my life attain a holistic quality and this gives me great peace.

By God's Grace

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