Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Populist leaders tend to kill all their poor people and only save the rich

I'm not sure what it is about populist leaders of today but basically they are killing off the human race right now.

The problem isn't just killing off the human race during the pandemic but also crippling economies worldwide during these times too.

What is the solution to this?

I think it depends upon your goal.

If you want most people on earth to die then supporting populist presidents would be your goal.

However, if you want to be financially prosperous a populist president is not the answer because at least the U.S. economy is based upon the workers (the lower 50% of the population economically). So, if they aren't happy the rich won't be happy either.


Because if poor people don't have money they will have to steal from the rich any way they can to survive these times.

This is just basic reality folks.

Because some people will literally do ANYTHING to survive if they feel threatened
 (real or imagined).

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