Monday, August 17, 2020

The Biggest enemy on Earth of the American People is Donald Trump!

You might have thought that Putin or Xi of China or someone else was the biggest single enemy of the American people but you would be wrong!

Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who is actually the biggest enemy of the American people because he is destroying our government branch by branch. He started with destroying the Justice Department by putting Barr in there. Next he forced Supreme Court Justices that didn't belong there because one of them at least was a rapist as a young man. Next he put his cronies in places like the Post Office so a democratic president cannot be elected.

So, at least at this point there CANNOT BE A FAIR ELECTION here in the United States and EVERYONE knows this.

So, will there be a Trump Dictatorship continuing?

We will all have to wait and see at this point what happens next.

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