Saturday, August 8, 2020

The Mystic Wakes up

God has been speaking with him all night long. He thinks about what life will bring him today?

Even though it is a time of Coronavirus worldwide and many millions are dying still he has peace in being with God in each and every moment. Even if that moment were his last he has peace in his experience with God each and every moment here on earth.

He experiences the frustration people are having with all world leaders now but also sees all this as maybe even God's plan to reduce the numbers of people on earth so all animal species aren't driven permanently extinct by too many people here on earth at once trying to survive.

He prepares for those who will still be alive at the end of all this (if there is an end to the era of coronavirus at all) in the greater scheme of things.

He notices most people dying of coronavirus have certain things in common and he wonders about this and why these groups of people are dying now all over the earth.

But somehow, he has peace in his heart because he knows it is all a part of God's plan somehow and all these people leaving are being taken into the heavens which have drawn close to earth wherever people walk now upon the earth.

But still, he finds it difficult to process all the deaths so he tries to pray some every day for all those passing over.

He knows he lives on "ONLY by the Grace of God" so he lives each moment as if it were his last.

So, he finds great peace in living this way one moment at a time.

By God's Grace

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