Sunday, August 2, 2020

The problem with robotic personal assistants:

Is that unless you designed one yourself personally, it takes your voice and all your mannerisms and habits and makes a record of them all so (Who is this information then sold to and how many times?)

So, unless you are happy with literally anyone in the world *All 8 billion people" having this information about you including murderers, governments and drug cartels that kill thousands of people every year around the world, maybe you don't want ANY robotic personal assistant at all unless you buy the pieces and custom build it yourself and know it isn't going to cost you or your wife or children their lives at some point in the near or far future.

What I'm saying is unless you design and build it for yourself it's not safe to have in the first place no matter what companies build them. Because they all are going to sell your data to the highest bidders. That's what these companies all do and why they design robot assistants in the first place.

If you don't know that already I'm sorry but this is the real world we all live in.

And if you don't protect yourself and your family, Who will?

Trump? What a joke that is.

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