Monday, August 10, 2020

Trump is well on his way to creating a 2nd Great Depression at this point

He's definitely now another Herbert Hoover in the way he is functioning. He is all talk but no practicality in actually helping the 50% of our nation struggling to stay alive during the coronavirus.

He is turning our nation into literally a 3rd world nation by every action he is taking now which only makes sense if he sees himself as another Banana Republic dictator by taking away the human rights of the lower 50% of this nation. Included in the rights he is taking away is "The Right to Stay Alive" as we see from his asininity around coronavirus now killing a minimum of 162,000 Americans.

I think it's at least a 50-50 chance we will have a Serious Stock market Crash around October of 2020 because the economy and the stock market is built upon the backs and the work of the lower 50% of this nation. So, when you take them out of the picture by not helping them they don't spend any money on anything and you cause a market crash because the market after all is based upon what consumers buy. If they buy nothing then the market likely will crash in October.

IT's getting so insane that if Trump is re-elected through fraud (which is his preferred way) that a revolution likely is the next step given all present variables in this nation.

But, Americans are not used to rebelling. There are only two times Americans have rebelled against our government. Once was the Revolutionary war and the 2nd time was the Civil War.

It takes a great deal for Americans to rebel so thousands and millions of them die in the fighting.

It's been 155 years since we ended the fighting in the Civil War so a real violent revolution hasn't been fought since then.

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