Sunday, December 20, 2020

Classic Writers mistake online

 Regarding the 5th Chapter of "How did we get HERE" I made the classic mistake that authors especially online make whether they are writing articles or books or just writing almost anything. The problem is that if you keep several windows open on the same writings you can delete what you just wrote because one of these likely will have less information than the more lengthy one. So, this is what just happened with Chapter 5 so I will have to redo this part. However, I'm of the mind that Nothing is by Accident so God helped me do this for some reason. So, that's interesting too. 

I've noticed in life (especially when I got into my late 20s) I would often get angry by things that happened in my life that I didn't want to happen. But then, I started to notice that it was God drastically changing my life into new directions that he wanted me to travel in. It was meeting someone important in the next few months or year that catapulted my life forward in amazing new directions or something like that. So, as I have grown older I might still get upset by some things that happen but sooner or later God shows me why they are happening to change my life to something better and more wonderful than before.

Even the coronavirus as onerous as it is likely will be like that for the survivors here on earth afterwards.

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