Sunday, December 13, 2020

Here's the thing about writing (if you are channeling it like I do)

Often I will reach the end of something and I'm stumped what to write next. But, by the next morning I have slept on it and I know what has to come next. For me, It's sort of like Breathing the way it works.

My wife is very into details and so she can be critical of what I write when it is longer. However, I need to get through all of it which might be days, weeks or months of writing a lot before I get into the details. 

For example, she caught one detail that I missed which is that dollars from 1992 might not be legal tender in 2080 which is a possibility. She thought that People might not drive cars anymore and just talk to them instead by then. So, she sees all these details.

However, for me, unless I just keep letting these truths flow out of me then God won't be happy with me. I might try to work on more details later but for now I need to just honor God and to keep it simple and keep my Faith with God.

By God's Grace 

I'm writing of course about

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