Friday, December 18, 2020

Open systems will always be vulnerable to Hackers

What am I talking about when I talk about open systems? I'm referring to systems that communicate with one another all over the world billions and billions of times each day. 

It's sort of like trying to make a Bank safe that no one can open. It's never going to happen. So likewise, Open systems cannot ever be permanently protected from hackers whether they be Russian Government hackers or Chinese government hackers or North Korean government hackers or Iranian Government hackers or individuals who are hackers worldwide.

Thinking you can make open systems permanently safe is ONLY a delusion. The only thing you can think usefully is "How safe are they right now" and nothing else really because tonight, tomorrow or the next day systems will be compromised whether knowingly or unknowingly worldwide. 

This is a given. Even if you think they are safe they won't be for long

Understanding this is understanding software worldwide in a realistic way. 

It's one reason why I won't ever do online banking because I understand this. Because your passwords you use for online banking make you liable for financial losses instead of the banks.

When you understand that you are one hack away from losing everything you have in any bank account you will stop banking online too.

I want the banks to be liable for any losses not me. They have insurance for this. Do You?

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