Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The Three most powerful paradoxes on earth right now: Trump, Coronavirus and Global Warming

This might not sit well with you but these three things are presently preventing likely human extinction this century.

Trump's mental illness of not dealing with coronavirus in a useful way has eliminated so many people (both in the short and long term) worldwide that humans likely won't go completely extinct this century like they would have  by 2080 or 2090 if Hillary had been president.

It is my present belief that UN Time Travelers from many nations went forward in time and saw human extinction was a done deal and so put Trump in in various ways because they knew his insanity would significantly reduce human populations on earth. It is also possible that Trump had the coronavirus created for him personally even though I find if very suspicious that the only big world economy to be having a 1.8 increase in GDP is China whereas we are presently losing by -3.7% at present and likely could dip even lower if Congress doesn't step in.

So, Trump was plan by Russia, China, The U.S., European Union etc. in order to prevent human extinction by overpopulation.  Basically, what happened before coronavirus was children now in the survival camps of the middle east grew up starving and grew up insane and angry and caused the extinction of the human race by various methods. And this happened because world populations went further and further out of control caused by religions that forbid birth control mostly and nations that forbid abortions.

So, this timeline has now been eliminated by Trump, likely (His) coronavirus, and Global Warming. But, it must also be said here that even though we don't go extinct Trump and the rest have caused a sequence of events to occur now that reduces humans down to less than 1 billion people by 2100.

I remember when the universe (God) showed me that we reduce down to less than 1 billion by 2100 in the early 2000s just after 9-11.

I couldn't figure out how this would happen but I do now. It's very clear to me now because the combination of Trump, coronavirus and global Warming and any other pandemics that might occur because of mass extinctions of plants and animals all over the world make depopulation of earth this century pretty much a done deal at this point.

So, the point I want to make here is only the most resourceful people are going to survive this century.

And that doesn't necessarily mean only the rich because often rich people are not resourceful simply because they are from rich families that go back hundreds of years or even before the Great Depression.

So, being resourceful means many different things around the world.

I would say learn to use your instincts and your intuition and learn to be as kind as you can be to yourself and all other beings. Why?

Because what goes around comes around. Karma.

So, whatever you do to others is likely to come back upon you which is why so many don't make it beyond 30 here on earth.

So, becoming enlightened, being kind to yourself and all other beings, increases your life span and your enlightenment and lengthens your children's and grandchildren's lives too.

By God's Grace

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