Friday, March 19, 2021

Everyone on Earth (You included) has a 2.5% chance of dying from coronavirus every year between now and 2100 AD and after


Because this is all about the laws of probability. The problem being that this coronavirus many people including my son told me that by last April 2020 that the coronavirus was behaving more like the common cold or flu than anything else. The problem with this we have seen so far in all the many many variants.

So, for people who don't get vaccinated this year while the vaccinations are available could theoretically die from coronavirus about 2.5% of the time worldwide without a vaccine. Even people who are 20 or 30 right now or even 15 and aren't worried will need to start to be worried by the time they are 30 or 40 even if they are perfectly healthy.

Do the math yourself. If you have a 2.5% probability of getting coronavirus and dying from it every year the rest of this century the probability climbs to 200% that you would die from this at sometime this century no matter who you are (if you are not vaccinated) and (if you do not then also obtain all the boosters for the variants) which continue arising in odd places around the world. There are even here in the United States many variants, the worst so far are the California variant and the New York Variant (so far) which people are up to 60% more likely more likely to get than the old one we are presently getting vaccinated for.

So, by getting ANY of the vaccines, Pfizer, Moderna or J n J, you lessen your chance of dying from this around 70% to 95% even if you get it.

So, the vaccines won't stop you from getting coronavirus, they just stop you dying from it, that's all.

Because generally speaking people who get the vaccine don't ever go to the hospital or die from the basic variation of the coronavirus.

So, a vaccination in this sense is a life saver for anyone over 50 and eventually for everyone of every age. 

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