Friday, August 27, 2021

Having compassion for yourself and others is part of how people will get through these times in our lives

You cannot blame yourself for what is happening on earth now. However, you can say that there are too many people presently for earth to be able to sustain long term on earth.

I would say that only around 1 billion people could be sustained long term (1000 years or more) on the surface of the earth. We didn't even get to 1 billion people until 1804 and we didn't even get to 2 billion people until 1927.  So, one way to look at this is that we have only had over 2 billion people since 1927 which is less than 100 years so far.

So, it sort of makes sense right now that mother nature might be taking us back down to 1 or 2 billion people because the present population of earth simply cannot be sustained by Earth (if people live on the surface of the earth like they presently do.

However, I figure if people lived underground and tore down all cities and houses and businesses and moved underground so that the surface of earth was ONLY for farming and recreation that it is possible that there could be up to around 14 billion people that might be sustained in this way.

However, I think at present this is very unlikely that this will happen (unless it is caused by Global Climate changes and winds above 100 mph during a lot of every year. (which could happen this century the way things are presently going) (or the next)

In the meantime having compassion for yourselves and all other humans might be the way to best survive all this in the short and long term because this would tend to make you non-violent in your actions because of being kind to yourselves and others.

By God's Grace 

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