Monday, February 21, 2022

So, I stand corrected from What I said before:

Since I'm not a linguist when someone told me that the Tibetan Word for sun was the Hopi word for moon I took it for granted that they were speaking the truth.

However, it turns out that "The true part is that the Tibetan word for moon is dawa, which sounds similar to the Hopi word for sun, taawa."

 This is the part of this that is actually true. 

However, the Tibetan Word for Sun is not the Hopi word for Moon.

This reminds me of another similar thing I have run into traveling in India with Tibetan Lamas which is that Jesus in his native Tongue of Aramaic's real name in that tongue is YESU or Yeshua (one of these two). However, the Tibetan records which go back to the time of Jesus and since Tibet wasn't invaded by anyone successfully (until the Chinese in the 1950s, the records go back to before Jesus still. Because there are still alive people who have actually read the ancient manuscripts and I think they were brought to India when China attacked Tibet. So, all the ancient manuscripts from India brought to Tibet in the 700s and after before Wars in India and Rome and Egypt destroyed Nalanda Buddhist University and the Library of Alexandria where records of Jesus were allowed to burn.

So, what Tibetans say from their records are that Jesus after he resurrected went with his wife and children Mary Magdalene and his children to India where he was a Guru who lived until he was around 85 years old.

In India they called him: "Saint Issa" so you can see the similarity of Yesu also to Issa in his name. It might be easier in the local dialects to say "Issa" than to say Yesu for example. So, according to Tibetan writings Jesus after the resurrection actually went to India with his family and became a guru.

It is my personal belief he learned to raise his body from the dead from one or more Buddhist Mahasiddhas who were still in India then and often connected with Nalanda Buddhist University there. Even Padmasambhava was a Mahasiddha who took Buddhism to Tibet to King Trisongdetsun.

Since King Trisongdetsun ruled:

begin quote:

Trisong became emperor in 755 and, in post-imperial sources, is claimed to have invited Padmasambhava, Śāntarakṣita, Vimalamitra, and various other Indian teachers to come to Tibet to spread the latest understanding of the teaching.
Reign: 755–794

end quote.

It means that some time during this period from 755 AD to 794 AD Padmasambhava as a Mahasiddha took Buddhism to Tibet and it was mixed with the local Bonpo religion to become the present Tibetan Buddhism.

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