Monday, February 21, 2022

You notice that Putin didn't send his tanks into the Ukraine Breakaway Republics until the Olympics in China ended

I think because of everything going on Putin doesn't want to anger Xi. They have a tentative alliance, these two countries partly because they are ruled by somewhat similar dictators who see themselves more as Emperors of Russia and China respectively more than anything else.

In this sense because we are dealing with Emperors rather than freely elected rulers of the common people, we have a similarity of thoughts and ideas that they share. However, if it came to world domination at some point in the next 25 years likely Putin or Xi would think nothing of nuking or conducting chemical warfare on the other country in the interests of world Domination.

I think this is what people need to know about these two countries.

However, if Putin can provide a smokescreen in Ukraine for Xi to take Taiwan while Putin takes some or all of Ukraine this would be acceptable to Xi of China too.

I think this is a completely realistic assessment of their alliance from a rational logical point of view. 

And both Russia and China likely think that they might be able to drive the U.S. and western world into bankruptcy by fighting in places like the European Union or Taiwan and of course the real danger would be if these wars ever became nuclear in nature.

Both Xi and Putin would be more likely to use nuclear weapons and chemical weapons in any war than the U.S. or Europe or Japan. However, once the cat is out of the bag (as in nuclear or chemical weapons) Almost anything can and will happen.

This is the real problem we face now here on earth.

The insanity of Global Climate change caused Covid which created the insanity in people like Putin and Xi to create warfare too possibly. So, where are we now?

We are at a new crossroads much like during World War I and World War II and the Cuban Missile Crisis and 9-11 and in Iraq and Afghanistan etc.

The world is changing to some new world order which likely will be just as unexpected as studying World War I and World War II and everything else since.

Times of great change are always caused by various types of insanity and pride in leaders around the world. Hopefully, people can stay level headed enough to make good decisions so more people can literally survive what is coming now worldwide.

Otherwise one day we will be 8 billion and the next 2 to 4 billion people here on earth. You think I'm kidding? Take a look at what weapons we have worldwide right now!

The problem is this adage: "Almost every weapon invented is often used at some point in the future after being invented."

Why is this true?

Because there are always some idiots with PTSD so bad that they get mad and use these weapons like Berserkers! That's why!

So, as many of you as possible now have to start thinking about how anyone can survive the present era at all?

In other words: "How do we prevent human extinction in the present era?"

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