Monday, February 21, 2022

The Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy

It's sort of like this: "Everything both dreams and physical reality is both real and unreal at the same time"

So, whether something really good happens or something really bad happens often a Tibetan Buddhist reaction to radical changes in life is to laugh.

It's kind of like "Would you rather be around people laughing or people crying?"

I found this philosophy among both Native American Medicine men and also Tibetan Lamas and monks.

It is a way that helps one move forward in one's life and not just run and jump off a cliff somewhere when you lose someone close to you.

So, I see the value in being this way whether something wonderful happens or something terrible. It is a psychological survival technique to hopefully survive ANYTHING in your life or (lives).

The reason I said life or lives is because at age 73 when I look back at my life often I feel like I have lived 100 lives in this lifetime so different have they all been. Is this a good or bad thing?

Maybe the best way is to laugh.  

By God's Grace


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