Sunday, April 3, 2022

Since about 1980 I have learned to Generate Compassion for all beings in the Universe 24 hours a day

 Our minds and hearts are the generators of Compassion. As we generate compassion through our spiritual practices of kindness and compassion to all life in the universe in the past, present and future our lives change slowly or quickly to something much better depending upon our attainment of sincere compassion 24 hours a day. Because each person that is helped as you walk by from your generations of compassion 24 hours a day by their karma getting better and better I suppose if one were a materialist, compassion is money in the bank in a way, peace is like money in the bank and because you are at peace and always generating compassion you are not afraid anymore like you used to be. Instead you are at peace as your karma gets better and better. As you do your practices 24 hours as day you become more and more confident and your siddhis increase in power and magnitude as your aura blesses all you pass by and this increases exponentially over time.

By God's Grace

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