Sunday, July 24, 2022

Futuristic Painting of Mt. Shasta?

I was looking at a painting my wife bought of Mt. Shasta where it reminds me of paintings you might see in Hawaii where you see the underwater life as well as one of the islands which is a style you often see in Hawaii. Well, the one my wife bought of Mt. Shasta is like this where there are coral reefs up to around 3500 feet or 4000 feet on Mt. Shasta. It is quite beautiful as paintings go. However, it has to be seen as surrealistic in that this hasn't happened (YET).

I got to thinking about New Deva which many times I believe is a planet that the Earth might become in the far future. I got to thinking about how a planet like earth could become all water and no land and how that could take place which is what happened on New Deva around 1 million years into the future of Earth?

AT that time I realized there are no Glaciers and there is no snow on New Deva which would mean all glaciers and snow have melted at that point in Earth's history. I'm not sure how deep the water would be if every glacier and every bit of snow were gone permanently (relatively permanently from earth).

And I wondered how places like Mt. Everest got beneath the waves too. However, one million years can bring a lot of changes. When settlers originally from earth found New Deva, no one knew at that point what had happened to earth. Some surmised that New Deva was earth and others didn't believe it. However, I'm one of the believers that New Deva with no or very little islands above the waters is earth 1 million years from now.

When the settlers originally from earth arrived there was ONLY sea life left on earth mostly except some birds living on islands and maybe some insects that the birds ate for nourishment along with fish.

So, you can see how a planet like earth could go through many phases and could eventually become all water with all land under the waves pretty much.

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