Wednesday, July 6, 2022


My friend had just told me that to believe in angels "Was I trying to be 6 years old again?"

I said to him: "Prove to me that you are alive!"

He described how he was experiencing reality and then I said to him: "That proves to you that you are alive but it doesn't prove to me that you are alive."

The point is: "We all experience life differently. And one person's experience is not another person's experience."

When people are attached to any one point of view it is unlikely that you can convince them of another point of view.

What I was telling him is that my experience is my experience and his experience is his experience.

So, he cannot prove to me that he is alive but I can prove to myself that I am alive if I want to.

And to try to tell me that believing in angels is like believing in Santa Claus is his problem and not mine. 

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