Sunday, November 13, 2022

By Writing you may share or not your thoughts and feelings on literally any subject

Many of the uneducated ancients thought of writing as magic because knowledge could be passed down from generation to generation by writings where one person wrote and others read it days, weeks or even centuries later. In this way knowledge would not be lost completely as long as knowledge was maintained in a written language that people could read.

However, I worry about knowledge that is magnetic or electrical in nature because all you have to do to destroy that is to have a nuclear blast EMP or a big enough EMP from the sun and all magnetic data would be lost. However, if it was stored in non-magnetic hardware like DVDs or CDs magnetic Emps might not destroy these and knowledge might be saved in that form.

However, paper or clay or wooden storage of some kind might be best where it is printed upon some long lasting form for people to read hundreds or even thousands of years from now. So, all we would need is one big enough Electromagnetic pulse and all magnetic electrical storage would be ruined and could never be retrieved no matter what you did.

This is why having paper or other hard copy of whatever is important to you might be useful to not ever run into this problem in your lives.

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