Saturday, November 12, 2022

I try to be mindful 24 hours a day. Why?

 Because if you want to survive mentally and physically you need to know how you feel about yourself and all life around you. By processing this information you increase your mental and physical health every single day. Otherwise you wind up freaked out and surprised by everything in your life and this isn't good and often kills people eventually.

So, the way to a long life is to take an interest in what you feel about everything. Your feelings actually tend to create your thoughts about everything too. So, if you don't know how you feel how can you survive. If an animal cannot know what it truly feels often it dies. The same is true of human beings.

It's true we can compartmentalize anything as humans because of the types of brains we have. However, doing this if it isn't a real emergency is often fatal.

So, compartmentalization is for emergencies when your survival or your family's survival is on the line.

However, most of the time if you aren't mindful it just shortens your life incredibly both mentally and physically.

Something to think about.

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