Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Some people no longer see themselves or the people around them as "Sacred" with the Sacred right to stay alive

This is the biggest difference between now and the 1950s when more people were devoutly Christian (or whatever religion they were) at that time. So, this is the biggest difference I see now in humanity in the U.S. since I grew up.

Most people in the 1950s would have considered themselves as sacred and all other people as sacred and would be aghast at what is happening today with mostly men going off in extreme anger and killing others and themselves.

I think you have to see this as a type of mental disease that affects men of all races more than women. When people take what happens in life too personally (especially men) they want revenge and in this revenge they take a lot of people to death with them before they kill themselves.

So, from my point of view it has NOTHING at all to do with guns and has to do ONLY really with people who are upset to the point of killing themselves and others in their lives.

So, it wouldn't really matter whether guns were legal to them or not. The real problem isn't guns it is inside of people who get so angry that they cannot do anything else but kill themselves after killing many others.

So, the solution to this is likely people becoming more spiritual or religious in their points of view so that clinical depression doesn't drive some people who NEVER seek counseling help to kill others and then themselves.

This is not really about guns at all, it is about people not dealing with their problems in a useful way. 

For example, in 2013 the man in Half Moon Bay, California was charged with trying to strangle to death another man then. So, even without a gun he was trying to kill people as far back as 2013.

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