Thursday, January 26, 2023

Why has earth's inner core stopped turning?

I suppose my best theory is human use of electricity?

At one point I asked the head of the Physics department of UC Berkeley a question which was:

"Where does electricity come from?"

His answer was like every one else which is: "From power generating stations around the world".

However, that isn't my question.

My question is "Where do the electrons that you get from the power generating station come from?" 

So, my answer is: "From the Magnetic Fields of earth."

So, when you drain the magnetic fields of earth by turning them into electricity maybe the molten core of Earth Stops Turning?

This would be my thought after thinking about these issues for some time now.

The magnetic fields of earth the way I see this likely originate from the sun and Hydrogen bomb kind of ongoing reactions in the sun which create the light we see on earth and which is converted by plants into energy which is then eaten by plant eaters around the world and since humans are omnivorous (eating both plants and animals) we benefit directly from eating plants who have converted sunlight through photosynthesis into Chlorophyll which allows life on earth along with oxygen and water. Water is composed of Hydrogen and Oxygen by the way.

So, basically what I'm saying is that it is likely that electrical generating stations on earth have stolen the magnetic fields from the earth and this has caused the molten core of earth to stop rotating. What the full consequences would be of doing this in the short or long term I have no idea. 

Just remember we have only been generating electricity by breaking the electrical fields of magnets for maybe 100 to 150 years so far. So, it makes sense that about now we might pay a price for this from doing this.

However, I'm also thinking that it might be safe to generate electricity by Solar Cells which imitate what plants do when they make Chlorophyll but unsafe when we break magnetic fields to create electricity here on earth.

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