Tuesday, October 21, 2014

My thoughts on Fusion Energy

My thoughts about Fusion energy are not really about the feasibility of Fusion energy here on earth. Let me tell you some stories about efficiency of energy right here on earth so you understand what I'm saying:

The first principle is:

If you invent something that dynamically fundamentally changes everything the likelihood that someone is going to kill you and hide your knowledge goes up dramatically.

Imagine you own a store that sells Apples and someone next door invents a machine to make apples appear magically in their machine so an unlimited amount of apples are available for everyone without going to the trouble of ever growing them on trees every again. If you own the apple store next door your motivation might be to cause the death of the person inventing such a machine that would basically end your own business of selling apples grown on trees. Right?


Something like this may have happened to Nicola Tesla by Mr. Westinghouse when Tesla tried to take his idea (which he had already demonstrated in Boulder, Colorado) by the way of electrifying the ground around Boulder and creating unlimited "Completely free electricity for everyone on earth from the ground itself". The only problem with it was cows nearby got shocked through their hooves from the rocks but it still worked so free electricity for everyone?

Then he decided to take it to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt but Nicola Tesla mysteriously died before that happened and not only that President Roosevelt soon died too. Think about just how strange that is in regard to timing?

So, let's say you develop "Free" nuclear fusion. What is to stop Oil producers of the world hiring an assassin to poison you before you can share this with the world?

They would do this before you publish your papers on Fusion and then purchase or deep six your findings or they would create a smokescreen of misinformation regarding your findings and find ways to make you disappear.

This basically has been the way of all really useful inventions.

Let's look at solar cells for example. They were supposed to be a boon for the world. Instead, China decided to sell solar cells at below cost to thereby drive all the other solar cell producers in the world out of business. (They somewhat have succeeded in this by the way) except for government subsidized solar cell makers and developers in certain countries like Germany, the U .S. and a few others who actually get what China is doing in trying to Completely control energy development on earth by cornering the Solar Cell market ongoing.

So, inventing Solar Hydrogen Fusion isn't the hard thing to do.

The hard thing to do is to try to give it to the world without being killed or just mysteriously disappearing because of successfully inventing something like this.

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