Saturday, April 22, 2017

Creation Stories

When I first began studying with Medicine men and Medicine women in Northern California around 1980 to 1983 and after, I realized each tribe had it's own creation story. I realized how important this was for each and every culture that grew for thousands of years here in the U.S. and around the world.

When you think about it every modern culture and religion began with a shamanistic tribe of animists usually somewhere. This is important to contemplate because religions didn't just appear suddenly out of nowhere.

All religions sprang originally from shamanistic animistc religions of native peoples. Then they were usurped by king and queens who made themselves gods to be worshipped OR at least they were always sanctioned by God to be the people's king or queen or emperpr or Empress.

So, Kings and queens and potentates all usurped peoples direct connections to God and Nature and reality in order to enslave them at each and every point. It is still this way today over most of earth.

So, whether you believe in a religion or political system or both to some degree you are brainwashed in a Pavlovian way to be submissive to some countries ideas of reality which may or may not be useful to you in any way, shape or form in the long run.

So, your physical and spiritual and psychological survival might depend upon you realizing all this and creating your own world view that makes sense in your actual everyday experience of life as you have lived it since birth.

By God's Grace

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