Saturday, April 22, 2017

People often don't support science because so often it is used to harm them

If your neighbor built a cross bow and then shot your dog would you be interested in technology or that neighbor inventing other things?

This is the state of the whole human race regarding all technology right now. They have already shot our dog or harmed us in ways we will never know about in all sorts of ways without ever asking us even once and we watch more and more of our freedoms and privacies going away daily now worldwide (we are told it is to protect us from terrorists) However, we know better than this, because it is actually used to separate us from all freedoms, all privacy all usefulness and creativity in our lives worldwide.

So, in the end it is only a lie because how much damage do terrorists actually do here in the U.S.?

IN France, they have sort of destroyed the place but here in the U.S. relatively speaking we have been safe (at great financial cost) since 2001 for the most part.

The cost being the loss of many freedoms and the loss of thousands and thousands of soldiers and 10s of thousands or more still wounded without limbs or other parts of their bodies and minds missing.

So, what is technology and what has it done for me or you lately?

And what in real terms has that cost us already or going to cost us in the near and far future?

The Great Recession is one of the many costs to all of us by the way of the real costs of technology of all kinds.

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