Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Time Space of earth was being altered a lot during July 2017

Normally I feel time space alterations. What they feel like is that you are one place and then all of a sudden you are somewhere else doing something else. So, one can feel these "Disruptions" of the time-space continuum.

However, during July this was much different. Imagine you were driving in a Tesla and time was the speed you were traveling. So, on the 1st of July you start off with about 20 mph by the 5th through the 10th you are going 50mph. Then by the 10th or 15 you are doing 70mph. Then by the 20th to 25th you are going 100 to 120 mph.

If you were a child playing with blocks or video games in the back seat you might not notice because the shift is so gradual. However, you notice it wasn't just "Bang!" you are somewhere you weren't before in consciousness or demeanor or even place this time it was a constant increase of the time space (Dimmer switch) like in the throttle of a Tesla. Something like that.

And of course the "Smokescreen" used as a cover for all this time shift is Trump's crazy shenanigans to distract you from time space alterations on a gradual basis.

Is this good or bad?

Usually this kind of stuff is both.

However, if you are still alive out the other side of this then you are one of the lucky ones to still have your life intact?

Who is doing this?

There are multiple on planet and off planet potential causes.

And Trump is used right now to distract the children playing games on their Iphones and Ipads in the back seat of the Tesla so they don't notice extreme but gradual time shifts.

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