Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Last UFO Conference was 1969 for me with Dr. Hynek speaking

And then in 1969 I went as a lark with some of my friends when I lived in Venice, California from nearby Muscle Beach where Schwarzenegger worked out before he became Conan and Governor of California and Terminator and all that. But, my daughter who lives in Europe with her boyfriend was interested in going to another one 50 years later which was also the year (as of today exactly I believe) that they landed on the moon and I had just broken up with my girlfriend of 2 years because she told me she wanted a Celibate marriage and I realized this wasn't going to work because I wanted children.

I was pretty upset that my girlfriend of 2 years from church wanted a celibate marriage because I definitely wasn't up for that so that led to me really going through it. Going to the UFO Conference at Giant Rock Airport in the desert near Landers, California and talking to some of the pilots that had flown in from all over the country for that UFO conference with Dr. Hynek there speaking. I remember Dr. Hynek speaking at this conference by the way and I found what he had to say pretty interesting at the time.

My first experience with a flying saucer print was 1974 but Elohar and Ragna came to me in 1969 to prevent me from committing suicide from breaking up with my girlfriend in 1969 in the summer and having to leave my childhood religion. (I think you have to see all this as a part of the same thing). I was born into the Saint Germain Foundation and my parents were in charge of the Los Angeles "I AM" Sanctuary on Hope street in Los Angeles from 1954 until 1960. (I was 6 in 1954 and 12 in 1960) and we lived in Glendale then and I went to Horace mann Grade School and Woodrow Wilson Junior high school and then my   sophomore and Junior years at Glendale High School and then I went to the "I AM" school my last year of high school in Santa Fe, New Mexico when it was there. Now it is in Mt. Shasta, California.

One of the more interesting things about the religion I was raised in was that it believed in UFOs and that most of our most advanced technology came from people from other planets and dimensions. This actually was quite helpful to understand all this and to believe in both Jesus and Saint Germain and UFOs from birth in many many ways. So, I wasn't really afraid of UFOS until I was in my teens and after I read "Communion" by
Louis Whitley Strieber (/ˈstriːbər/; born June 13, 1945) is an American writer best known for his horror novels The Wolfen and The Hunger and for Communion, a non-fiction account of his alleged experiences with non-human entities.
Notable works‎: ‎The Wolfen‎ (1978); ‎The Hunger‎ ...
Born‎: ‎Louis Whitley Strieber; June 13, 1945 ...
Genre‎: ‎Social science fiction‎, ‎Ufology‎, ‎Horror n...
 He later said that "Communion" was fictional after a while because so many people got screwed up reading that book thinking it was all true. So, from that I realized I could only be held accountable for what I actually could remember in the sight of God.

So, if an alien was going to cover over some of my memories (like doctors routinely do in some operations or ICU stays) worldwide now, I could not be held responsible in God's eyes for this. I can only be responsible for what God allows me to remember. I think this is an important thing for all people who have "missing time" or suspect they have missing time, even if it is days, months or years that are missing. 

Also, if you are with the government and sent on a secret assignment it is standard procedure to give you a medicine to forget what you did be it (days, weeks, months or a year). this way if you cannot remember what you did even if they give you a lie detector test you would pass because you really can't remember what you were ordered to do clandestinely. This is true now of soldiers and spies in all nations on earth.

Search Results

Web results

Project Blue Book was one of a series of systematic studies of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) conducted by the United States Air Force. It started in 1952, the ...
Project Blue Book: Declassified – The True Story of The Hill Abduction. ... HISTORY’s new drama series 'Project Blue Book' is based on the true, top-secret investigations into Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and related phenomena conducted by the United States Air Force from 1952 ...

Web results

HISTORY's new drama series 'Project Blue Book' is based on the true, top-secret investigations into Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and related phenomena ...
The United States Air Force retired to the custody of the National Archives its records on Project BLUE BOOK relating to the investigations of unidentified flying ...
Jan 15, 2019 - Featuring a Russian spy murder, a self-immolation, gun-toting government thugs and other fanciful plot devices, “Project Blue Book,” History's ...

I haven't seen any of this conference I just found before. I have no idea if this would be useful to you or not or where it is being held but I just found this online.

So, beware! But, you might have a positive experience with something like this or not depending upon your personality, experiences and background. Who knows?

This isn't very useful I guess because this is today. But, there is another Disclosure happening in Ventura I hear in August Sometime of 2019 too.

begin quote from:


TIPPING POINT: "Law of Non-Interference" No Longer Applies to ETs Helping Humans (video)

By Kosta Makreas

TIPPING POINT: "Law of Non-Interference"
No Longer Applies to ETs Helping Humans


I have a few words to say about it here:

For many years as part of "The People's Disclosure Movement" you and our global ET Contact teams have been making contact on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

We have been asking our Star Friends to partner with us, to co-operate with us in guiding Gaia and her lifeforms into a Golden Age.

As a result of our dedicated efforts, the "Law of Non-Interference" no longer applies to ETs helping us humans.

Our Star Friends tell me that our movement's success has now released them from that "Law of Non-Interference". That law is also known as "The Prime Directive".

They are now allowed to intervene far, far deeper in a positive loving way into our human affairs.

As humans we are *still* responsible for fixing our problems as best as we can.

But for the first time now our efforts will be multiplied and synergized by our Galactic Friends.

I encourage all of you - whether working alone or in ET Contact teams - to ask for more specific help from our Star Friends in areas where you believe it is needed.

Offer your heart, energy, time and resources to them in cooperation.

Please watch (5 mins. length) and share at:

You may post your response on the web site. Membership is free.

You're part of the world's largest and most widespread, regular, coordinated, interactive communication with our Star Friends - "The People's Disclosure Movement".

Let's do this!


In the Spirit of Peace,

Love and Blessings,

Kosta Makreas

Founder: "The Global CE-5 Initiative" ET Contact events (our 8th year) & ETLetsTalk Community
"The People's Disclosure Movement"

Facebook: CE-5,UFO,SIRIUS People's Disclosure GCE5 Initiative Universal Prayer

    Twitter: @etletstalk_km

TUESDAY, JULY 16, 2019

Black Extraterrestrials With Corey Goode, Peter Maxwell Slattery, and Barry Littleton (video)

Image from video

Black Extraterrestrials With Corey Goode,
Peter Maxwell Slattery, and Barry Littleton

Discussing Black & Ethnic Extraterrestrials with Corey Goode, & Peter Maxwell Slattery. This was a good chance for both of them to openly convey their information on the subject.

YouTube link:

SUNDAY, JULY 14, 2019

Dr. Steven Greer: Close Encounters of the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Kind


Dr. Steven Greer:
Close Encounters of the First, Second,
Third, Fourth and Fifth Kind

Close Encounters 1 - 5 : a quick description

Unlike the more passive CE1 - CE4 experiences, a close encounter of the fifth kind (CE5) is human-initiated.

Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind is where humans take the initiative and in a cooperative spirit, attempt to interact with, or have an exchange with, ET beings and their spacecraft. It is a very important category because it relies on real time, proactive communication. As such, it is a milestone in the development of the relationship between humans and ET civilizations.

Through CE5, we convey that we are reaching the point of maturity, where we are willing to end all denial and end even our passive observation. Instead, we step into a state of empowerment that communicates our sincere intentions towards peaceful contact. This is a very significant statement for us to make to ourselves and to these civilizations.

Our sense is that these civilizations have been waiting for this statement, not out of the barrel of a gun but out of the minds and hearts of a sincere attempt to say hello, for well over 50 years.

Dr. Greer's upcoming film at

James Gilliland: The Farting Hippopotamus Award


James Gilliland:
The Farting Hippopotamus Award
Within the Spiritual and UFO community there are government shills, planned opposition, narcissist, jealous and competitive, agenda or money driven people, some of which want to make a name for themselves at the expense of those who are authentic. In the most extreme cases there are Satanic and Luciferian connections participating in acts beyond most people’s imagination. “Follow the Money, Note the Connections”. These people have no concept of creating Heaven on Earth and desire quite the opposite. Their modes operandi are to accuse others of what they themselves are doing tenfold in order to shift or defer attention from themselves and their actions.

Twice every year we give an award to one person fitting into one or more of these categories voted to spew the most slanderous rumors, meritless accusations, and disinformation, “An extreme detriment to truth, real disclosure, as well as the forward progression of the Spiritual and UFO community. In most cases these are armchair investigators whom we have never met, have never been to ECETI, are completely unaware of the classes, workshops, and counselling which empower the individual or the 33 years of service to the Awakening and Healing of Humanity and the Earth. These transgressions are not a reflection on James or the ECETI family but instead they firmly establish their, “Character and Ignorance of those participating in this toxic behavior”. In order to counter, bring humor and levity to these characters we decided to give them an award best suited to their nature and achievements. Thus came about the Farting Hippopotamus Award.

The first award goes out to Michael Horn who actually believes Billy Meier is the only true prophet of God and despite the preponderance of evidence to the contrary Meier is the only real contactee. For years they viciously attacked and slandered all other ufo researchers, crop circle researchers, and contactees. After all when one demands twenty percent of your income and assets to join they can’t have anyone else cutting into their prophets. Billy’s contactees unfortunately turned out to be the Dean Martin back up singers.

Billies contacts - The Dean Martin Back Up Singers

When Michael Horn presented 4 of their best photos to be analyzed by David Biedny the creator of Adobe they were found to be overlays, fabricated hoaxes yet he still promotes them as authentic. Models of the same ships claimed to be authentic along with the famous wedding cake ship, which turned out to be an altered trash can lid with Christmas ornaments were found at his residence.

Billy’s history was a thief, got out of prison by joining the Foreign Legion, Deserted, became a smuggler and a bounty hunter followed by putting a turban on his head and calling himself a holy man. According to Billy his, “supposedly enlightened”, off world visitors found him to be the most integrous enlightened person on the planet? His contacts, seem to have no other witnesses and their names were borrowed from Kabalistic and Egyptian origins to sound authentic. Despite a long history of Pleiadian interaction in almost all the cultural stories and history shared by the Elders of Hawaii, Phillipines, Native American, and other nations Michael Horn insults all of them by calling them liars. He says they are Plejarans and anyone who refers to them as Pleiadians are liars and hoaxers. His own family have begged him to stop perpetuating this hoax. Michael Horn the American franchise holder for this hoax continues to attack all other researchers and contactees spewing out endless slander, lies and deceptions along with using avoidance when asked the tough questions. If anyone knows about narcissism you cannot use truth, facts or debate these people, they have no shame, guilt, compassion or integrity. They cannot comprehend how utterly ridiculous they look in the eyes of critical thinking people. For this Michael has without a doubt earned the Farting Hippo Award.

Stay tunned for our next presentation. Cliff High and Jay Weidner are in the running.

Be well,

James Gilliland

ECETI Stargate YouTube


US Navy Disclosing Secret Space Program Technologies through Patents System


By Dr. Michael Salla

US Navy Disclosing Secret Space Program
Technologies through Patents System

The US Navy has arranged for one of its scientists to openly apply for patents of advanced technologies that are allegedly under experimental development, but according to multiple insiders have been covertly developed and used in secret space programs for decades. In four patent applications lodged since 2015, the applicant, Dr. Salvator Cezar Pais, who filed on behalf of the Secretary of the Navy as the Assignee, has proposed revolutionary inventions that use principles such as electromagnetic propulsion rather than more conventional liquid fuel propulsion.

In one application, Philip J. Bonzell, a Primary Patent Examiner for the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) believed the proposed invention of “A Craft Using an inertial Mass Reduction Device” was so outlandish and scientifically unfeasible that he rejected it on November 28, 2017.

The rejection led to an immediate appeal by a Navy attorney who provided a supporting letter dated December 15, 2017, by Dr. James Sheehy, the Chief Technology Officer for the Naval Aviation Enterprise. Sheehy pointed out that Pais was employed by the Navy, and was currently working on proving the feasibility of the revolutionary propulsion system for a hybrid aerospace undersea craft described in the application.

Illustration of a craft using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article with links and images Click Here

FRIDAY, JULY 12, 2019

BUSTED! Clif High admits inventing 'Blue Chicken Cult' as slander @ Corey Goode - IN HIS OWN WORDS! (video)

Clif High admits inventing 'Blue Chicken Cult'
as slander @ Corey Goode - IN HIS OWN WORDS!

Cult allegations 100% FAKE NEWS! Cliff High, self admitted Paranoid Schizophrenic has been a part of a Cyber-Stalking campaign for over two years. He invented a name and narrative that would be used to convince tens of thousands of people that Corey Goode was a cult leader. Narratives that were invented to slander per Cliff High himself. More to come...
Related: This video is an excerpt from an 180 min video prepared for law enforcement and attorneys. Keep Unlisted.

YouTube link:


What do we do When Full Open Contact Occurs? (ET UFO)

By ET Let's Talk
Kosta Asks
'What do we do when Full Open Contact Occurs?"

We, the People, are the Disclosure we have been waiting for!"

The Big Question: When Full Open Contact with Star Civlizations occurs on Earth...what can our thousands of ET Contact teams do to help the general public understand what is going on?

We have many years of experience making ET Contact in our community. That allows us to help others build a foundation when a 'mass awakening' of ET truth occurs.

YouTube link:

Kosta Makreas at:


Neil Keenan Update | Exposed: Japanese Prime Minister / Cabal Puppet: Shinzo Abe


Japanese Prime Minister /
Cabal Puppet: Shinzo Abe

Just when we thought that the Cabal players were going to shut the hell up, they kept the incessant rumors alive among themselves, creating even more disorder and chaos between them.

Related: The Asian Insider: Why Was Neil Keenan Elected Amanah?

I’m sitting here relaxing while taking in what the G20 “accomplished”, which is NOTHING, and on the other hand, watching to see what their own personal business may possibly accomplish, which is still yet to be determined.

There is no question they have a newbie amongst themselves, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, as evidenced by the fact he was standing right beside President Trump while President Putin was having a good laugh at the entire matter.

What seems to be agreed upon among themselves is that they must create ever more worldwide chaos in order to stay alive.

Doesn’t the NWO imply that there is “order out of chaos”?

It now appears that the person hired to do just such a thing is Prime Minister Abe of Japan.

According to sources familiar with Benjamin Fulford, Japanese Prime Minister Abe reached out to fellow members of the Cabal state players soon after completion of the G20 – which was just window dressing for the main event:

This was to steal the Global Accounts.

Shinzo Abe apparently advised them that, although they took a pretty good hit after the latest post on condemning the Cabal / NWO, especially with the exposure reaching President Trump on his visit to South Korea; that there would be nothing further like this in the near future.

Abe reassured his colluding-cronies that Neil Keenan had no further information to provide the public. PM Abe boldly stated, “Keenan no longer has any holds over any of us.”

Contrary to Abe’s “fantasy wish list”, Neil has plenty to release yet – which not only further exposures Abe, but also shines the light on many of the servants Abe sent forward representing him to South Korea, in his blatant and nefarious attempts to steal the Korean Bunker Assets.

Furthermore, Neil has it in his wherewithal to expose what very recently took place in certain hotel rooms in South Korea.

If Abe had kept quiet, rather than attempting to pump himself up in front of his cohorts, then this most likely would never have been exposed.

At the same time on Thursday, June 20, 2019, while the G20 was taking place, another crafty scene unfolded in the Toyokobi Hotel in Dongdaemun, Seoul, Korea at 4pm – as six thieves gathered at this hotel.

Mr. Kojima, a 96-year-old Japanese, Two Taiwanese; Mrs. Chen and Mr. Wu, one City Bank official from Hong Kong, (the Far East Asia General Manager), and two other Koreans.

They gathered to stealthily purchase Japanese Yen and Gold from the South Korean bunkers; which were all criminal acts in accordance with Korean Law.

Furthermore, in their attempts to illegally purchase the Yen and Gold, they deliberately lied to the Korean Bunker Officials in order to actually succeed.

They claimed the following:

1. That they had received the FED’S POA along with PRESIDENT     TRUMP’S approval.
2. That the Japanese Yen denomination is expected to be received from the     Ministry of Finance when it is submitted to the Japanese Ministry of     Finance.
3. That the Taiwanese claim they can procure safety for this transaction by     moving it to the FED.
4. That the Dollar and Yen should be dealt with now, seeing they are soon     going to lose value as planned.
5. They requested 20,000 MT of Gold as well.
6. They claim the CIA will assist them with the safety and transfer of the     Assets which will then enable them to trade safely.
7. That everyone involved in this transaction will be issued a US Green     Card.

They also presented 10 copies of the 100,000,000 KRW checks issued by Nonghyup Bank in South Korea to the Koreans. They possessed more than 150 checks.

Also, they are brazenly requested original samples of Bunker Assets…

PM Abe, Hear this clearly for once and for all: You have no more secrets
as they relate to the bunker Assets!

I have flies on every wall watching every move made by yourself and your fellow greedy thieves.

This is not the first time you have attempted to steal the Assets. You even mobilized the Japanese military for the first time since WWII a few years back when Japan planned on utilizing its military to steal the Indonesian Assets.

Related: History & Events Timeline:

“7.27 Keenan Exposes Plot For Japan to Invade Indonesia in an Attempt to Steal Indonesian Gold

2014 – (August) The Japanese military mobilizes for the first time since WW2, in an attempt to invade and steal the Indonesian Gold; only to be derailed by Keenan who publicly exposed the planned attack.

Keenan exposes the plot of Colombian drug dollars being sent by the Clinton Arkansas Foundation directly to Indonesian globalists and politicians in their attempt to create panic and chaos in Indonesia and change governments.

The plan was to assassinate the Indonesian Vice President.

The Clinton Gang had flown in on their private jets, the Japanese Emperor’s sister had also flown in on her jet with her Indonesian husband, and money transfers had taken place through Bill Clinton’s Arkansas Foundation – directly to a political party.

Said funds were illegal, confiscated Colombian drug funds which somehow found their way from the US Drug Enforcement Agency coffers through the Arkansas Foundation into Indonesia with the main objective being to steal what does not belong to either the Clintons or the Japanese Emperor’s sister. The assets belong to the depositors.

We advised long ago that this was the plan, and of course that the Japanese Military is on standby. Should they not be able to purchase the gold, the West and their allies will attempt to take the assets one way or another.”




Neil F. Keenan – The Amanah & Group K

With kind permission from Neil Keenan at:

Copyright © 2019, GROUP K, Ltd.

MONDAY, JULY 08, 2019

David Wilcock: IT BEGINS - Epstein Indicted, Black Ops Mega-Base Destroyed!

By David Wilcock

IT BEGINS: Epstein Indicted, Black Ops
Mega-Base Destroyed

Most Exciting News Of Our Entire Career!

Everything We Were Told is Coming True Now

IT’S TRUE: Jeffrey Epstein has actually been arrested. Indictments have been unsealed. This is the case that will bring down the House of Cards.

Everything we just prognosticated in DECLAS is coming true. Big Tech knew this was coming, and has grossly restricted freedom of speech online as a result.

What independent YouTube creator WOULDN’T want to talk about the biggest story of the year, which may soon become the story of the millennium?

Get ready for a TORRENT of new information coming out that none of us could possibly have foreseen. This is it. DECLAS is happening!

The California Independence Day earthquakes may have been strikes intended to take out the Deep State’s last, best chemtrail-attack facilities, as we will see.

The Deep State may have intended to use the facilities in a final attempt to destroy America right before the indictments unseal.

Mass censorship won’t stop this Truth Avalanche from falling. We are just now seeing the first pebbles… and we probably won’t need to wait very long.


Did a Flying Rectangle Shoot Down a Nuclear Ballistic Missile Aimed at Hawaii?

By Dr. Michael Salla

Did a Flying Rectangle Shoot Down a Nuclear
Ballistic Missile Aimed at Hawaii?

On July 3, 2019, a photo was released of a flying rectangle shaped UFO near the island of Maui that was taken over a year earlier, and only recently discovered by the photographer. What is remarkable about the photo is that it shows what appears to be a craft very similar to one photographed near MacDill Air Force base in October 2017, which was revealed by my Florida source, JP, to be a weapons platform used by U.S. Air Force Special Operations.

The similarity of the craft seen in the respective photos raises the intriguing possibility that the flying rectangle photographed near Maui may have been involved in the shooting down of a nuclear ballistic missile aimed at Hawaii on January 13, 2018, widely thought to have been a false missile alert.

First, here is the photo of the Maui rectangle along with an insert showing a close-up.

According to the photographer:
While driving up mount haleakala in maui i took this picture and didnt notice anything until weeks later when i was going over my vacation photos. the object was not seen live. the object was in only one frame, nothing before or after. unkown altitude but as you can see it was above the cloud line [sic].
For the rest of Dr. Salla's article with images, links and videos
Click Here


A Message From Sheldan Nidle

A Message From Sheldan

Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .
Yesterday Sheldan received a beautiful card and message from a long-time PAO member. The heartfelt message brought tears of Love to both me and Sheldan. We have been honored by so many of you during the past months and we want you to know that we appreciate everyone who has supported Sheldan's recovery and who resonates with PAO's mission.

I woke up this morning and Sheldan was at his computer. Inspired by the lovely letter we received, he wrote this thank you to all of you who follow and support PAO and Sheldan's recovery. Strangely, Sheldan's typing has greatly improved since his recent surgery. We won't question it...we will simply welcome it and be grateful.

Forever grateful,
Galactic Heart 

Welcome friends and fellow Light Workers.
This is Sheldan giving you a buzz with a friendly Hello and gratitude for all the support you have shown me and PAO while I recover. Colleen often reads your many letters of praise and gratitude for the role I have played in your lives. This makes me very happy. This has been my mission and I am grateful for your acknowledgement. We are in this together.

My Galactic friends are here also and want to say Hello. I want to bring you some word on where my recovery now stands. It has taken a lot longer than I ever imagined to get as far as I now am. I am finally starting to type better since the DEW attack last October. I wish to sincerely thank all of you for your ever wondrous and most generous on going contributions to my healing. As you know I am not yet back to where I left off nearly a year and a half ago. Whew! What a year it has been for me!

Our Galactic friends tell me that we are getting ever closer to a most welcomed “end of the Trail”. They mean that this 3D reality is coming to a close as we vibrate higher to our 5D reality. Keep your spirits up. Our journey is about to take a quantum leap.

I have future plans for some revised and expanded books and even a return to the weekly updates. What I truly need is a short ride on what my dear Friend, Jared, calls a “Celestial Chamber”. This will leave me fully healed and ready to get back to “work”. At that point, I Intend to upgrade PAO, publish three new books and restart my lectures and videotapes. It feels good writing this to you.

May I end with a simple ZaZuMa! Thank you for your help in expanding my Galactic Mission. Till then it is Galactic Shel signing out and wishing you all much Love and Light.

MONDAY, JULY 01, 2019

James Gilliland: Amazing Multi Dimensional Contact Phenomena at ECETI Ranch (video)

Image from video


Amazing Multi Dimensional Contact
Phenomena at ECETI Ranch

James Gilliliand had no idea about the ships and the ETs in the area before he moved to ECETI Ranch. But pretty soon after he moved in they started appearing regularly. The ufos are often out of the range of out physical eyes yet cameras especially digital can pick up more of the light spectrum and peek into other dimensions occasionally. Although we don't understand verything that happens, one thing is for sure, unprecedented events are unfolding at the Gilliland Ranch that have the potential to change the course and destiny of Humanity and the Earth.

YouTube link:

SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 2019

Neil Keenan Update | South Korean Fire Sale – Come One Come All

Neil Keenan Update |
South Korean Fire Sale – Come One Come All

Right now South Korea’s General Manager of Bunker assets, President Moon Jae-in and many other countries are negotiating the “Fire Sale” of many of the bunker assets that they manage but do not own.

They are absolutely and knowingly party to blatant illegal theft, without concern of any penalty to themselves notwithstanding the nations that they represent. This is because they feel that they have protection under the umbrella of what is known as the “Cabal”.

As we all know by now, I have stopped South Korea many times from dealing with assets that do not belong to them.

I will do it again and I will stop them again, and if necessary, request the filing of International arrest warrants against the particular persons involved.

We have their names and their particulars.

And yes, once again we have photographs and this time the ‘big ones’ are flying into South Korea and Japan to assist in stealing what belongs to none of them.

Related: NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | It’s Show Time

It is important to note, that all along, they are utilizing the fake cover of the G20 meetings to hide their actual endeavors.

In fact, when viewed in the proper context, the G20 is nothing more than the Skull and Bones at an advanced level.

This is all a big charade; a puppet-show scam.

This substantiates facts: The show is almost over and the resulting desperation has become revealed.

Remember what I say here: This is the “Cabal”, Khazarian Elites, or NWO – or any other name that you may choose to refer them as but this is CABAL.

This group is now in a desperate attempt to acquire some financial liquidity and add it to a dry well.

Look behind the G20 curtain to see the real play going on.

Look who’s coming to the party in South Korea this week…

Today, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (33 years old) visits South Korea to meet President Moon Jae-in.

The Saudi royal family has not visited Korea for 21 years. Saudi wells are running dry and expenses are rising; thus coffers need to be replenished.

And discussions will not be with regards to the negotiation of providing more Korean cars to keep oil demand up.

Trump was in South Korea on June 29th and this was not to say “Hi” to the troops.

Remember, that we sent a military carrier away empty a few years ago? Are we there to sniff flowers this time?

Most recently two people from Taiwan and a far-East Asia representative from Hong Kong City Bank also arrived in South Korea.

These people are trying to make a deal regarding bunkered yen and gold with Japanese representatives during the week. They are currently in South Korea.

We all know about Citibank’s illiquid situation and Hong Kong’s financial reputation.

Add to the visitor book, the Construction Bank in China which is negotiating the purchasing of Hong Kong bonds from South Korea (obviously in a bid to secure them before Western interests do).

And rightfully so. They have had their fill of the “Cabal” as nearly everyone else has. Khazarians are everywhere but not liked anywhere.

The China Construction Bank has sent 3 Billion USD to South Korea and they are also actively moving to buy Japanese currency from Korean bunkers. This is another leverage move.

Today I was informed that two Japanese will be arriving in South Korea next Monday.

They are already in possession of a sample of the Japanese currency that they sought and so they are going back to South Korea to trade. They also stated that they would buy 20,000 / MT of gold.

This group “claims” that they have already been approved by the US FEDERAL RESERVE among others (all “Cabal” of course) and that Taiwan’s fund manager will be flying to South Korea next week in order to meet with them to close the deal.

Again, we are right on top of this.

Furthermore, they “say” that the Agency is behind them and the transaction is said to be “safe”.

What Agency? And why would the CIA be protecting their transaction when in fact they most likely could do this deal among themselves?

I know they would like everyone to believe the CIA is behind this but this time the threat of the Agency is there to get the Managers of the bunkers to follow through and give the bunkers up to those that have nothing to do with the Agency.

Does that sound like a scam to you too?

Our group has them all under surveillance, and of course President Trumps’ name is being used once again by his adversaries (Demoncrats / “Cabal” etcetera) in their attempt to re-launch their defunct financial system.

President Trump is flying in for the G20 Summit (Skull and Bones Part II), and yes this “Fire Sale” is going to be discussed – and how they would like to make it happen – but they will be surprised.

This is surely moving at a rapid pace in destroying what the “Cabal” hopes to accomplish and straightening out many Asian nations which hope to use the Golden Dragon (and other assets) in their quest to become rich.

Also, let it be known that satellites are in place and our people have already accumulated much evidence in terms of documenting these events. We know who they are and what they are doing.

There will be no escaping our wrath regarding their involvement in these matters.

The above picture was taken at a recent dinner held with the Consul Generals in Hong Kong.

In attendance were representatives from South Africa, Myanmar, The Philippines, Colombia, Malaysia, Nepal, Vietnam and Zimbabwe.

They were not discussing Chinese food.

We have all of their names, positions, ranks, etcetera; including all pertinent information on how to reach them whenever we wish to.

I will request arrest warrants for all of them – and not only those in Asia.

I will also request arrest warrants for the individuals who have already stolen – and who are living in other countries in an attempt to escape the inevitable penalties that await them.

Those involved should be aware of dark shadows in the night as the owners of these assets will ultimately ensure that they are protected. Right now they are under surveillance.

I have given South Korea the opportunity to avoid all of this but to date they believe strongly in the safety of the “Cabal”, not knowing that the “Cabal” is losing this battle resulting from the ongoing actions of President Trump and others who are fighting alongside us.

There now exists no scenario under which we would lose.

“They” will find out shortly what is awaiting them just as former South Korean President Park did (she is now in jail.)

Look who’s coming to dinner.

Note; South Korean asset managers believe they are being driven by the logic of power.

They still believe that the US Federal Reserve is omnipotent.

Little do they know, that this part of our battle is over with.

South Korea is not the only country that has been duped into believing that the US, “Cabal”, and others – are the only means by which to cash in the assets that do not belong to them.

Some Chinese friends also believe that the “Cabal” is the only avenue by which to ‘cash in’ the assets they manage, although some have stepped back knowing better days are yet to come.

They are also aware of what we are doing and are with us.

Come One, Come All

There are eight large bunkers in South Korea that are being targeted. The manager of these bunkers had been in a coma for four years.

These assets are now under his son’s control, and he is awake. Thank god his son knows what to do!

President Moon Jae-in does NOT have control or any authority over these bunkers and the bunkers’ General Manager and individual bunker managers are not paying him any attention forthwith.

Therefore; President Moon Jae-in of South Korea; recognizing the problems that have been created worldwide with such a Flea Market being established involving the wealth of the Global Accounts held in these bunkers, has illegally asked others to take control of the bunkers, but they too have refused.

The bunker managers seem to have taken this matter over themselves. They are also tired of the stealing but because of the extent of the corruption around them they decided to participate and gain some wealth for themselves. However, they were not aware that all of their actions are on record.

Moon Jae-in is not liked much at this time in South Korea among the thieves either.

One further note here is that South Korean managers have become increasingly dissatisfied with Moon Jae-in as he had become heavily involved in stealing the assets in the past.

Even now, Moon Jae-in continues to try to do so.

It seems as though neither side can get things right over there.

Meanwhile, President Trump is most likely telling them that he is with them all the time – whilst holding the rug in his hand ready to pull it out from beneath them.

You better know who is The BOSS.

And here, this is a final tidbit of information relating to Israel sucking up to South Korea.

This is a picture of the original Mosaic Pentateuch which Israel recently gifted to South Korea.

It was written between 1,050 and 1,200 years ago.

Ask yourself “why?”

In the “mean” time, enjoy your popcorn whilst watching the rat fight in South Korea and count on us to keep our eyes on things and to prevent anyone from moving assets in the air, on land, or sea.

All is being watched. See them scurry when the light shines upon them.

Copyright © 2019, GROUP K, Ltd.

Thanks to Neil Keenan and Team at:

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